WELLNESS 27th of April 2020

Foods That Affect Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. People who have IBS experience abdominal pain, cramping, excess gas, bloating, and changes in the pattern of bowel movements. At present, nobody knows what is the exact causes of IBS, although there are certain things that are known to increase the risk of developing IBS.

Many different factor can cause IBS; one of them is taking in certain types of food in their diet that could potentially irritate the bowel system. But fear not, many people who suffer from IBS have managed to control their condition by cutting certain food out of their diets. Many foods may increase the chances of IBS. Here are some of the major categories of food that are known to cause IBS.

#1 Gluten

Gluten is a type of protein that some people are allergic to. Gluten intolerance, also known as gluten sensitivity, is characterized by the body’s inability to digest or break down gluten. Some people with gluten intolerance have a mild sensitivity to gluten. In contrast, others have celiac disease  (a digestive disorder caused by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten), which is an autoimmune disorder. It can cause symptoms like those of diarrhoea-predominant IBS.  It is found that many people with IBS are also gluten intolerant.

So what has gluten? Wheat, rye, barley, bread, cereals, pasta, and so on. Anything that uses flour or is starchy is high in gluten. In fact, some cosmetics and even shampoo have gluten. Although this doesn’t affect IBS it is, however, recommended to avoid cosmetics such as lipstick as it may be easily ingested.

#2 Dairy

Dairy products are controversial these days. While dairy is said to be healthy for health organizations, some argue that it is harmful and should avoid.

Whether it could be the main cause of IBS is unknown. But dairy is one of the common causes of diarrhea and can be dangerous for people who are lactose intolerant. IBS symptoms are similar to those who suffer from lactose intolerant, so if you do want to take in dairy, you need to switch to low-fat or switch to plant-based milk like almond milk or oat milk to lessen symptoms. Examples of foods that are dairy are milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter. So remember to watch out if you’re planning to have cereal for breakfast, you wouldn’t want gluten and dairy together if you have IBS.

#3 Caffeine

Many of us go by our days with caffeine. But caffeinated drinks are acidic and have a stimulating effect on the intestines that can cause diarrhoea. Due to its acidity, the gastronomical tract flares up and tends to make people defecate quite often.  So it's not just in your head when you have that rush to go to the bathroom after drinking a cup of coffee. According to health foundations, caffeinated drinks such as coffee should be avoided by people with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease as it can further aggravate the gastronomical tract. 

It is advised to take precautions before consuming any food and analyze which food usually would cause the symptoms. A good way to alleviate IBS symptoms is such as taking in probiotics to balance gut bacteria. Formulated with Vitamin C, Synbiotic, and Lutein, MOIIVA™ takes the cake when it comes to balancing out your digestive system.
IBS symptoms have been linked to certain changes in the gut flora. Changes in the gut flora influence IBS symptoms by increasing inflammation, sensitivity to gas in the intestine, reducing immune function, and changing digestive patterns. The synbiotics in MOIIVA™ promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and inhibits bad bacteria from repopulating. This creates a studier ecosystem in the gut allowing for smoother digestion and alleviating bowel movement issues.

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