Men 12th of July 2022

Reversing Andropause (AKA Male menopause) Is Possible

Yes, you’ve read that right. 

Going into your 40s or 50s can mean facing all sorts of life challenges. Work, marriage, KIDS. Sure, they can all take a toll on you but this is different. You’re constantly feeling irritated, your friend below is getting limp, you’re losing muscles despite working out, your belly fat is starting to show, and maybe, there’s even development of man boobs. As if that wasn’t sinister enough.

If that’s you, you’re likely experiencing what science calls andropause - also known as “manopause or male menopause”. 

So what on Earth is it?

Usually affecting men from age 40 onwards, this mid-life phenomenon is caused by a decrease in testosterone, the key hormone that regulates sex drive, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and production of red blood cells and sperm. In other words, there’s just not enough man juice in the bod, hence, the long list of complaints (weight gain, mood swings, insomnia, etc). 

The answer to this isn’t Viagra or testosterone supplements though. Testosterone levels in the body are primarily responsive to lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress, environmental factors) which are all essential in correcting (not just covering up) low testosterone in the long-term.

The 3 Golden Rule: Eat, Exercise, Sleep 

There’s really a lot you can do to help alleviate or even prevent andropause symptoms. The basic ones include eating a high-protein, low-carb diet. This change can positively increase not only your metabolism for more fat-burning but also improve energy levels as well. Avoid: highly processed or refined food, alcohol, and caffeine.

Regular weight or strength training is also one of the best ways to stimulate testosterone production naturally. Compound movements like squat, deadlift, and bench press are especially effective. They enhance muscle growth and improve your metabolism, which consequently increases testosterone levels. Or at the very least, make it a habit to take long walks or use the stairs instead. 

What you want to avoid is anything that can prevent a good 8-hour sleep every night (hi there, late night phone-scrollers). It is during deep sleep that men produce testosterone. So it makes perfect sense that the lack of sleep can negatively affect hormone levels and disrupt their ability to function correctly, including testosterone. 

Can Stress Speed Up Andropause?

When you allow life stress to build up, you are actually disrupting your whole hormonal system indirectly. Studies show that high cortisol (stress hormone) can lower your body's testosterone level and block its proper function. Increased cortisol also leads to insulin resistance and slows down your metabolism, further speeding up andropause. 

While stress is almost inevitable in this modern era, it’s how we manage it that’s important. Set time aside for things or habits that you find enjoyable and actually do them - be it meditation, hiking with bros or simply spending time with your loved ones. No matter how small the changes are, they can have a gradual effect over time. 

Vitamins & Supplements for Andropause

Common vitamins or supplements surrounding andropause include vitamin D, zinc, and ginseng, which may help boost energy, support a healthy metabolism, increase libido, and raise testosterone levels. But if you want an easier and much more convenient solution (like everyone else), opt for lolvita™. 

Formulated with 3 nature-derived herbs, lolvita™ has helped those experiencing andropause and hormonal imbalance in relieving their symptoms, restoring their energy and body physique. 

Pueraria Mirifica (PM): A Thai medicinal herb known to balance hormones, improve prostate health, and inhibit testosterone-dependent tumour growth such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Be it belly bulge or flabby bod, PM can also delay musculoskeletal aging and preserve muscle strength to keep your body firm and in shape. 

Compound K (CK): A cooling, Qi-nourishing ginseng that boosts energy, enhances sexual function, and improves Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men. Unlike typical ginseng, CK does not cause body heatiness, stomach upsets, or high blood pressure as it is derived from American Ginseng (panax quinquefolium).

Antrodia Cinnamomea (AC): The rarest healing fungus that improves liver health to regulate hormonal balance including testosterone. Studies have shown that it can even reverse the damage of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, fatty liver, fibrosis, and other liver diseases. 

A Happier and more Fulfiling Life awaits

Andropause may rob away a supposedly happy or confident self, but you can take it back. Just as we’ve laid it out there for you folks, it’s your turn to make it happen. 

Shop lolvita™ here, and it won’t be long till you start feeling like yourself again. 


  1. Chiu, H. W., & Hua, K. F. (2016). Hepatoprotective effect of wheat‐based solid‐state fermented Antrodia cinnamomea in carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rat. PLoS One, 11(4). ARTN e0153087. https :// al.pone.0153087

  2. Peng, C. H., Yang, M. Y., Yang, Y. S., Yu, C. C., & Wang, C. J. (2017). Antrodia cinnamomea prevents obesity, dyslipidemia, and the derived fatty liver via regulating AMPK and SREBP signaling. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 45(1), 67–83. https :// 415x1 7500069

  3. Sharma A, Lee HJ. Ginsenoside Compound K: Insights into Recent Studies on Pharmacokinetics and Health-Promoting Activities. 

By Evelyn


Menopause is a Fact of Life, The Symptoms Shouldn’t

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