WELLNESS 17th of February 2020

Meet The New Infinite Shield For Your Immunity And Gut

This time, we’ve combined all the yummiest superpowers in one so you get stronger digestion, immunity, and eye health. 

The powerful synbiotics (probiotics + prebiotics), Vitamin C and unlimited Lutein all in one. How does that sound? After years of scientific research, we’ve finally put these ingredients together to create the ultimate shield for all, MOIIVA™.
Yes, research has shown that 70-80% of our immune cells are located in the gut. In fact, the immune system development relies on the establishment of balanced gut microflora. Now, let’s take a look at the powers of MOIIVA™.

#1 Improves Gut Microflora

The human gut is home to diverse varieties of bacteria, including good and bad ones. They form a micro-ecosystem known as gut microflora. As you’ve guessed, we need good bacteria to maintain a healthy gut. So how do we increase them? With synbiotics. 

The synbiotic formula in MOIIVA™ contains probiotics, which work to increase the number of good bacteria in the gut and prebiotics, which act as food to feed these friendly bacteria. The outcome? Balanced gut microflora and a happy gut. 

#2 Boosts The Immune System

When your gut is healthy, your immune system will naturally be strong as well. Combining both synbiotics and Vitamin C, MOIIVA™ strengthens the immune system by activating the production of antibodies and triggering the response of white blood cells. By doing this, it makes the body stronger to fight against inflammation and any types of infection.

#3 Protects Eye Health

As we advance into a more technological society, we are exposed to harmful blue light derived from our electronic devices. Studies have shown that this blue light causes eye strain and worse, accelerates blindness. 

Other than strengthening your gut and immune system, MOIIVA™ contains the strongest source of Lutein to protect and maintain healthy cells in the eyes. Lutein filters harmful blue light and protects against major eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. 
And there you go, the power of 3 in 1. Get your whole family hooked on health and shop now.

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