WELLNESS 29th of May 2020

Can Age Affect Vaginal Health?

Just as everything changes with age, your vagina does, too. A sensitive topic where is not spoken of often. Believe it or not, aging causes the vagina to dry out and it is very common, affecting over half of post-menopausal women aged between 51 and 60.

Vaginal dryness causes the vagina to thin and become less elastic. This is called vaginal atrophy and it occurs when your body has less estrogen. When this happens, the ovaries stop producing the female hormone estrogen and the levels begin to decrease. One of the early signs of reduced estrogen on the vagina is reduced lubrication during sexual activity.
Vaginal dryness can cause discomfort and at times very painful. Common symptoms of vaginal dryness include itching, burning, and soreness of the vulva area. Fortunately, there are several ways we can take to reduce or eliminate this issue. 

One common way to treat vaginal dryness is by visiting the doctor or gynecologist. Though it is important to occasionally take trips to the doctor, a good probiotic helps in reducing the chances of vaginal dryness.
So what kind of probiotics is good for vaginal health?

Lactobacillus is the most researched type of probiotics when it comes to establishing and maintaining a healthy vaginal balance. How? Lactobacillus promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the vagina. A healthy vagina requires a balance of beneficial and bad bacterias. These bacteria help maintain the vaginal acidity level. A healthy ph level is between 3.8 and 4.5 which is fairly acidic, keeping harmful bacteria at bay and encouraging healthy bacteria. When the bacterias are at bay, the vulva becomes stronger and restores its elasticity which eventually forms natural lubrication in the vagina.

Pair it together with prebiotics and your lady friend will thank you. Prebiotics assists in the growth of those healthy bacteria. The prebiotics acts as food for these good bacteria to grow. 

Introducing our highly raved probiotic and prebiotic supplement. 
VOFINA contains 20 billion of smarter probiotics, prebiotic and lingonberry to help promote healthy vaginal health. It helps maintain a healthy pH level and enhances lubrication and firmness of the vagina. The smarter probiotics are uniquely formulated in cleaning the ladies' privates. It can withstand the acidity of the stomach and bile, surviving the trip from intestines and into the vagina. They are strong and powerful enough to keep the vagina clean and healthy.

The superfruit Lingonberry also helps with maintaining vaginal health. It not only promotes the body’s natural microbial balance in a woman’s body but also boosts the immune system. This special fruit helps has antioxidant properties that prevent inflammation in the vagina which may reduce the risk of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Learn more:

By K.Andrea

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